Cyber Essentials Certifications

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What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials was introduced as a government funded scheme, first published in April 2014 as an interest of national security to bolster UK Cyber security. The Cyber Essentials scheme was developed in collaboration with the Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises (IASME) consortium, the Information Security Forum (ISF) and the British Standards Institution (BSI). The standard defines basic technical controls that support the mitigation of up to 80% of common Cyber threats. As from October 1st, 2014, Cyber Essentials has been made mandatory for suppliers of Government contracts.

Summary of Cyber Essentials Controls
Why get Cyber Essentials certified?
  • Cyber Essentials will improve your security posture, decrease your Cyber risk, and reduce your attack surface against 80% of the most common internet based Cyber threats.
  • Qualify for free Cyber liability insurance once certified (terms apply).
  • Provide cost effective assurance for your business.
  • Protect your data and important assets from the financial and reputational damage caused by Cyber security incidents.